Nitrofreeze® Proof of Concept Case Study- Deburring Turcite®


Nitrofreeze® Proof of Concept Case Study- Deburring Turcite®

Our Cryogenic Deflashing and Deburring process adds value while reducing costs to customers by eliminating the need for hand trimming. Highlighted below is an actual customer part that has successfully undergone the Nitrofreeze® process.

Turcite Deburring- Orange Power Nut

Material : Turcite®
Description : Threaded power nut
Area for Concern : External threads specifically termination thread at top of part. Additionally, customer was concerned with through hole not seen in photo.
Results : Termination thread cleaned with minimal chatter or machine marks remaining. Large burrs on threads and through hole cleaned with little exposure to cryogenic environment and blasting time. 


Nitrofreeze provides cryogenic deflashing and deburring solutions across a variety of industries.  Whether parts are molded or machined, Nitrofreeze has a solution.   To learn more, please contact Bryce Trani at (800) 739-7949 or at