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Nitrofreeze® Cryogenic Deflashing for PPS Parts


Nitrofreeze® cryogenic deflashing removes flash from injection-molded PPS parts without affecting critical dimensions or surface finish. This proven process removes gate vestiges, flash that extends from the surface of an injection-molded part after gate runners are removed. Cryogenic deflashing also removes flash from hard-to-reach areas such as cross-holes, blind holes, and other challenging part geometries. Most importantly, this cost-effective process is also quick and consistent.

Injection Molded PPS Parts

Injection-molded polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) combines exceptional mechanical strength with high-temperature resistance. This engineering thermoplastic also offers excellent dimensional stability for complex parts with very tight tolerances. Often, PPS resin is filled with reinforcing materials to further improve its mechanical and thermal properties. Depending on the application, highly-filled PPS may contain glass fiber, carbon fiber, PTFE, or carbon-based additives.

Tolerances, Dimensional Stability, and Surface Finish

Nitrofreeze® cryogenic deflashing won’t affect the critical tolerances or dimensional stability of injection-molded PPS parts, even if they use highly-filled resins. Only the gate vestiges and other unwanted material, such as parting line flash, are removed. Nitrofreeze® cryogenic deflashing quickly removes flashing caused by injection molding issues such as improper venting or inadequate clamping. Plus, it won’t affect the surface finish of parts.

Physical, Mechanical, and Cosmetic Properties

Nitrofreeze® cryogenic deflashing uses gaseous nitrogen to freeze PPS parts while they’re tumbled and blasted with a plastic media. This cryogenic process embrittles the flash for ease-of-removal but does not change the parts’ physical or mechanical properties. The cryogenic-grade polycarbonate that Nitrofreeze® uses comes in different lengths and diameters for application-specific processing. Except for the removal of flash, your parts will look the same as they did before.

Computer-Controlled Consistency

Nitrofreeze® cryogenic deflashing is also a computer-controlled process that consistently removes flash from batches of PPS parts. By contrast, manual deflashing removes flash one part at a time and with potential inconsistencies. With manual trimming, there’s variability among workers. The same worker may also remove too much material from one part and too little from the next. With Nitrofreeze® cryogenic deflashing, you’ll get repeatable results with each order that you send to us.

Comparing Deflashing Costs

Cryogenic deflashing doesn’t just protect critical dimensions, surface finish, and a part’s physical, mechanical, and cosmetic properties. It can also provide a significant cost savings. Hand deflashing might be fine for lower volumes and simpler parts, but this manual process can require a small army of workers for higher volumes and more challenging part geometries. Ultimately, the cost of manual deflashing may exceed what you would have paid with the Nitrofreeze® process.

Choose Nitrofreeze® Cryogenic Deflashing for PPS Parts

Do you need injection-molded PPS parts that are free from flash, but not at the expense of overall quality? Contact the experts at Nitrofreeze® to review your requirements. If your part is a viable candidate, we can perform sampling to demonstrate our process. The consultation is free of charge, and the turnaround time on most orders is two days. To learn more, contact us at the phone number and email listed below.

(508) 459-7447 x105