Are you sick and tired of paying for quality issues caused by hand deflashing? We hear it all the time. You have a section in your manufacturing operation with a team of deflashing personnel sitting around a table. Your team may have seasoned veterans, but you still end up with a varying degree of flash trimming proficiency.
Some days they meet and exceed their goals for parts processed and parts rejected; other days they do not. Even worse, all that trimming and deflashing does a number on the muscles in the hand resulting in workman’s comp claims. At the end of the day, the labor cost and rejected parts cost a significant amount of money, not to mention customers that leave to find other suppliers.
The point is that hand trimming flash may seem like an inexpensive option to remove flash. The truth is it is not. Nitrofreeze® Cryogenic Deflashing is a batch process with many advantages when compared to hand trimming.
- Consistent and Repeatable Results: The same process is run time and time again for each batch of parts. The parts are tumbled and blasted with a fine polycarbonate media in a cold atmosphere to ensure all parts are deflashed.
- Non-Abrasive Process: The cold chamber coats the parts in frost which protects the surface finish. This makes the flash to become brittle with the tumbling and blasting mechanisms removing it.
- Enjoy the Cost-Savings: Significantly lower your reject rates with batch processing. Eliminate workman’s comp claims. Outsource to us and remove the burdened rate of labor from your deflashing operation
At Nitrofreeze® Cryogenic Solutions, we can run most of your molded plastic and rubber parts in two business days after receipt! We process millions of parts per year from nearly a thousand different customers. Send us your part samples today for a FREE Pre-Production Engineering Evaluation with multiple process parameters. Start saving money in your deflashing operation and customers from headaches today! To learn more about our process, contact Ryan Taylor or call 508.459.7447×105 or join our LinkedIn page for new updates.