Tag Archives: medical deburring

medical device deburring | medical plastics machining

Why Medical Plastics Machining Needs Cryogenic Deburring

Medical plastics machining can produce complex parts with excellent dimensional stability. During CNC machining operations, however, milling and drilling can stretch part surfaces. If the workpiece material contains a crack, this stretching may cause the crack to grow and fracture. This creates burrs, raised areas that can interfere with part seating, sealing, or assembly. Nitrofreeze® […]

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Metal Deburring Tool vs. Cryogenic Deburring- Blue Nylatron Carrage

Reduce Your Deburring Costs with Cryogenic Deburring

How much are you paying to deburr plastic or metal parts by hand? Could you save money with Nitrofreeze® cryogenic deburring, a computer-controlled, automated batch process that’s clean, consistent, and cost-effective? Before you break out your calculator, consider the true costs of manual deburring. There’s a basic formula for manual and cryogenic deburring costs, but […]

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The 5 T’s of Cryogenic Deburring Machined Parts

The Cryogenic Deburring Process Cryogenic Deburring is a process designed to remove machining burrs created during the machining process. Machining burrs can be found on CNC machined parts along surfaces that are manufactured from material stock. In order for machined parts to complete their desired function, the residual machining burrs need to be removed. Nitrofreeze® […]

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