Tag Archives: cryogenic deburring plastic parts

The 5 T’s of Cryogenic Deburring Machined Parts

The Cryogenic Deburring Process Cryogenic Deburring is a process designed to remove machining burrs created during the machining process. Machining burrs can be found on CNC machined parts along surfaces that are manufactured from material stock. In order for machined parts to complete their desired function, the residual machining burrs need to be removed. Nitrofreeze® […]

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Deburring Tools | Deburring Plastic Parts | Cryogenic Deburring - White Delrin Gear

Deburring Plastic Parts Without Hand Tools

Manual deburring is a time-consuming and labor-intensive way to remove burrs from machined plastic parts. At a time when good workers are hard to find, hand deburring is also an inefficient way to deploy labor resources. The use of hand trimmers, deburring blades, rotary deburring tools, and wire brushes can also contribute to worker fatigue […]

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Nitrofreeze Cryogenic Deflashing

Cryogenic Deburring for Plastic Parts

Cryogenic deburring for plastic parts uses tumbling, freezing, and a cryogenic-grade polycarbonate media to remove burrs left by machining operations. This batch process provides a cost-effective alternative to hand trimming and can reduce labor rates by as much as 50%. Cryogenic deburring also offers an alternative to traditional vibratory and tumbling methods. Plus, unlike other […]

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