Tag Archives: metal deburring

The 5 T’s of Cryogenic Deburring Machined Parts

The Cryogenic Deburring Process Cryogenic Deburring is a process designed to remove machining burrs created during the machining process. Machining burrs can be found on CNC machined parts along surfaces that are manufactured from material stock. In order for machined parts to complete their desired function, the residual machining burrs need to be removed. Nitrofreeze® […]

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blind hole deburring 1

Blind Hole Deburring with Nitrofreeze® Cryogenic Technology

Blind holes are machined openings that do not pass through the entire workpiece. They are drilled, milled or reamed to a specific depth but without breaking through to the other side. If a blind hole requires reaming, it’s important to leave some extra room at the bottom for chips. With tapped holes, this extra amount […]

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